Our Guiding Principles
At McDonald’s Canada, we’re committed to working with our suppliers and industry experts to continually improve our animal welfare program. It’s an ongoing process of study, consultation, and innovation. To guide our efforts, McDonald’s established the industry’s first independent expert Animal Welfare Team. We are committed to the McDonald’s Global Animal Welfare Guiding Principles, initiated by our global company in 1999.
Animal Treatment
At McDonald’s Canada, we support the principle that animals should be free from cruelty, abuse and neglect while embracing the proper treatment of animals and addressing animal welfare issues.
McDonald’s believes in the ethical treatment of animals, and that animals should be raised, transported and slaughtered in an environment free of cruelty, abuse and neglect.
McDonald’s works with our suppliers to audit animal welfare practices, ensuring ongoing compliance and continuous improvement. Outside experts have helped McDonald’s develop systems to measure the effectiveness of our animal welfare practices. To that end, McDonald’s is committed to implementing an auditing system with our suppliers to ensure animal welfare compliance and share best practices for continuous improvement. We also encourage all our suppliers to conduct self-audits with independent third-party bodies on an ongoing basis.
McDonald’s leads our industry, working with our suppliers and industry experts to advance animal welfare practices and technology. We will continue to educate ourselves and our suppliers, and ensure that our programs are based on the best science available. This includes working with industry experts and scientists to develop training programs and materials that will help ensure ongoing improvements in the area of animal welfare.
Performance Measurement
McDonald’s sets annual performance objectives to measure our improvement and will ensure our purchasing strategy is aligned with our commitment to animal welfare issues. We continue to dedicate resources to monitor and co-ordinate activities associated with improving animal welfare, and will incorporate these objectives into our annual business strategy. McDonald’s recognizes our responsibility as a major purchaser of animal products. We understand the need to establish animal welfare standards and measurements, and align these with our purchasing strategy.
McDonald’s will communicate our process, programs, plans and progress surrounding animal welfare. We are committed to sharing our progress with our guests and shareholders, and to sharing best practices with our competitors.